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What is a root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment must be performed in the cases of big decays which have affected the pulp, trauma of the tooth or a fracture.

The success of the root canal treatment depends on the right way of cleaning, disinfecting and filling in of the root canals. This can be easily achieved with the latest and modern materials and technology. The tooth survival and the restoration of its function are guaranteed if the procedure is carried out precisely. The root canal treatment will be concluded with a filling and in some cases with a crown.

Inflammation or infection can arise from a number of reasons – deep cavities, cracks and chipping a tooth.

Four essentials for a successful endodontic outcome:

Clean the canal thoroughly.

The goal is to clean the canal thoroughly and produce a canal shape that can be fully obturated. Furthermore, it is important to remove as little tooth structure as possible to ensure maximum strength during the endodontic procedure

Use an irrigant that disinfects

Unfortunately, endodontic instrumentation alone does not remove 100% of bacteria and debris from the canal. My endodontic protocol is to use.......


​Don’t underfill

Now that we have cleaned and shaped the root canal, our challenge is thorough obturation. There are many choices among obturation systems. Categories include lateral condensation, thermoplastic (heated gutta-percha) and single-point fills.


​Take a course

It all comes down to practice. The more endodontics you do, the better you will be. I recommend taking as many courses as you can until you not only feel comfortable, but relaxed and competent.

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