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Child at the Dentist

Pediatric dentistry 

We are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through 

the teen years and cover the full range of dental services:

  • Full examination and training for maintaining dental hygiene

  • Annual routine dental check-ups

  • Treatment of diseases of children's teeth

  • Prevention of cavities by silanization

Maintaining good oral health

We believe prevention is much more effective than intervention, especially in paediatric dentistry. Our top priority is to support you in creating healthy habits and maintaining good oral health. To achieve this, we have set up regular hygiene appointments, alongside the regular dental check ups.

Hygiene appointments consist of personalised tooth brushing advice to encourage the most effective plaque removal. During the appointment, the dentist will demonstrate the best tooth brushing techniques for your child to help them reach even the difficult areas. We will also carry out a professional cleaning to remove any plaque and tartar on your child’s teeth and the appointment ends with a nice polish to remove any staining, leaving your child with nice and shiny teeth.This will help encourage healthy gums and prevent dental diseases.

Treatment of diseases of Deciduous Teeth

Temporary (milk) teeth are easily affected by cavities and their complications such as pulpitis, gangrene, and abscess. Therefore, we recommend regular checks (every 6 months) and superior oral hygiene, with less sugary intakes. 

Healthy temporary teeth are necessary not only for normal nutrition but also for the right eruption of permanent teeth. Dental diseases can affect the normal development of the child.

Silanization of Permanent Teeth

Temporary (milk) teeth are easily affected by cavities and their complications such as pulpitis, gangrene, and abscess. Therefore, we recommend regular checks (every 6 months) and superior oral hygiene, with less sugary intakes. 

Healthy temporary teeth are necessary not only for normal nutrition but also for the right eruption of permanent teeth. Dental diseases can affect the normal development of the child.

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