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Female white toothy smile

cosmetic dentistry 

Teeth Whitening

We offer teeth whitening as a way to remove stains from the surface of the teeth. It can be done as an office treatment (takes approx. 1 hour) or by wearing a set of trays at home. The trays are filled with bleaching gel and worn for about 6-7 nights. The system removes surface stains and even minor intrinsic stains (which form below the surface of the teeth).

Ceramic Inlays

Ceramic Inlays are mainly used for a reconstruction of significantly fractured teeth –molars and premolars.

Ceramic inlays possess a high wear resistance and a long lasting aesthetic effect. When ceramic inlays are placed correctly occurrence of a secondary caries is avoided. The material used does not provoke sensitivity in teeth and the coefficient of deformation with thermal changes is close to the coefficient of the natural enamel.

Composite restorations

Bonded Composite Restorations are the safest, most biocompatible and conservative way of restoring decayed, fractured and/or worn teeth; returning the tooth back to health, and function as well as providing a highly aesthetic appearance.

Composite restorations are versatile tooth coloured filling materials composed of strong plastic and glass particles that are used by our dentists or dental therapists to seal deep fissures, fill cavities, and sometimes restore extensively broken down teeth.

Excitingly these restorations may be used as less invasive alternatives to more traditional crowns and inlays which require the more extensive preparation of teeth, and can be used to make cosmetic changes to teeth.


We place a thin restoration over the front of the tooth. The veneers look natural and completely alter the shade and shape of the teeth. We can us them to mask teeth stains, correct the appearance of misalignment, close gaps between teeth, lengthen worn down teeth, and reshape malformed/damaged teeth.

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